Friday, March 23, 2012

Bitch with a Gllitch in the Ditch

I don't know what is happening to me lately; perhaps I'm just getting older or maybe it's the goddamn MS but my mind is not working properly  and my thoughts get stuck in the ditch. I tend to think it is multiple sclerosis because this disease is a bitch and now this bitch is in the . I am laughing here because my voice recognition program wrote in kitchen instead of ditch. So the bitch is in the kitchen! I don't know why I find that so funny since I no longer do any cooking and I used to be a damn good cook.

One of the worst things about MS is not being able to do what you want to do when you want to do it. And then when your mind gets stubborn on top of it all, that is when I have to just give it up to a higher power. Because sometimes I just can't take it anymore and all I want to do is just lay down and take a nap. What a waste of a perfectly good day.

My brain has set another booby-trap and I am trying to wend my way around it. I figure if I write long enough something half way decent will come out. Well, I am still writing and I'm still wending. The good thing is that I hired a website designer and so I am finally getting that done. Hallelujah! I have spent so much time and agony on trying to do it for myself and I am a complete computer ditz. I have a dear friend who is a computer expert but not on the designing end. He teases me often about being a  “stupid end-user”. I remind him that that's how he makes his living and he reminds me that he fixes my computer glitches for free.

If I could get all of my glitches repaired by myself life would flow a lot easier. But that's not what happens to those of us with MS. Just another bitch with a glitch in the ditch.

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